16 May 2019, 08:00
Some former guests on The Jeremy Kyle Show, which has been axed by ITV, talk about what it was like.
16 May 2019, 08:00
Kering, the company behind Gucci and Alexander McQueen, said it was "conscious of its influence".
16 May 2019, 08:00
Rumours abound that Madonna will perform at Eurovision - and may even have arrived. But where is she?
16 May 2019, 08:00
Bafta called for more environment plot lines on TV, here's a look at how television can raise awareness.
16 May 2019, 08:00
His replacement on the BBC Radio 2 breakfast show Zoe Ball maintained a listenership of about 9m.
16 May 2019, 08:00
After The Jeremy Kyle Show was axed, MPs and regulators will examine the support given to TV guests.
16 May 2019, 08:00
Choreographer Gary Clarke has copied moves from clubbers at the Hacienda.
16 May 2019, 08:00
Michael Sheen answers quickfire questions on whether he prefers US or Welsh life.
16 May 2019, 08:00
The stainless-steel casting of an inflatable rabbit sells for $91.1m, overtaking a Hockney painting.
15 May 2019, 08:00
22 мая прославленный российский дирижер Павел Коган отмечает 30-летие руководства Московским государственным академическим симфоническим оркестром. "Мы видим свое призвание в том, чтобы давать публике лучшие образцы музыки, воспитывать вкус. Также очень важно сохранять традиции", - говорит Коган.