17 July 2019, 08:00
Tyga, Stefflon Don and Yxng Bane were among the acts due to perform.
17 July 2019, 08:00
Кларенс Зеедорф уволен с должности главного тренера сборной Камеруна. Причина отставки – неудачное выступление камерунских футболистов на проходящем в Египте Кубке Африканских наций.
17 July 2019, 08:00
Andrea Camilleri's books won international acclaim and changed perceptions of Sicily.
17 July 2019, 08:00
The Puerto Rican megastar has praised the "bravery" of protesters in the country.
17 July 2019, 08:00
It's a song from 2006, by a band from Northern Ireland.
17 July 2019, 08:00
One of South Africa's best-known musicians and anti-apartheid activist dies at the age of 66.
17 July 2019, 08:00
The R&B star is also accused of covering up the crimes by paying and threatening victims and witnesses.
17 July 2019, 08:00
The Killing Eve actresses are both up for best actress in a drama series at this year's Emmy TV awards.
17 July 2019, 08:00
Writer Ahdaf Soueif says it should take "a clear ethical position" on BP sponsorship and other issues.
17 July 2019, 08:00
Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece - believed by many to be the world's most iconic painting - is being moved.