24 August 2019, 08:00
Up to 160,000 fans are expected as the singer ends his record-breaking tour with four Ipswich gigs.
24 August 2019, 08:00
Scarlett Johansson's wages rocket, but female stars remain way behind men on the whole.
24 August 2019, 08:00
The host is is developing a new programme, three months after his daytime series was cancelled.
24 August 2019, 08:00
A look at Ed's early years as the global star returns to Suffolk for a series of homecoming gigs.
24 August 2019, 08:00
Fans have been trying out Normani's basketball bum bounce... with mixed results.
24 August 2019, 08:00
Critics say the pop star's 18-track album is "unapologetically bubblegum" and a "towering work".
24 August 2019, 08:00
Comedian James Acaster thinks so, and here's why.
24 August 2019, 08:00
Producers say the new film "should reflect" shifting attitudes - so can Daniel Craig modernise Bond?
23 August 2019, 08:00
Российский боксер Максим Дадашев посмертно был награжден золотой медалью Евразийской федерации профессионального бокса. Награду от EBP получили менеджер погибшего россиянина Эгис Климас и тренер россиянина Бадди Макгирт.
23 August 2019, 08:00
Во Франции – глава партии "Национальное объединение" жестко раскритиковала позицию ЕС по поводу возвращения России к участию в формате G8.